This project was made in around 8 weeks for project management. The module allowed us the freedom to create whatever project we wanted.
Inspired by a mix of detective games like Return of the Obra Dinn and The Case of the Golden Idol, I created a first-person detective game where the player has to solve a murder in a small apartment. The twist though is the player can switch between two different times, just after the murder has taken place and one week before it.  
Skills Developed
 Management of a Large Project
• Creating Design Documentation
• Level Design
• Blueprints and Scripting
• Texturing with Substance Painter
• Lighting and Atmosphere
• Writing narrative and clue design specifically for detective games.​​​​​​​
As this was a large project that I had to juggle with other university modules and personal life it was essential to plan out the project into small manageable chunks. As this was a solo project I opted for a waterfall approach, I set goals although out the project and managed to hit every one in timeframe. Due to my planning and pre-production the project was completed successfully.
Key Features

Read clues and find key words to use in the investigation.

Use found words to fill in the detective's book.

Solve puzzles.

Travel through two different times.

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